Simpad Packaging Has Environmental Benefits
Simpad packaging, especially its pre-lined kits, have some pretty impressive environmental benefits. Simpads address the “3 R’s” in environmental packaging, which are reduction in waste, reusable, and recyclable. Unlike many forms of packaging, Simpads address all three environmental R’s. Reduced Waste The process of using a Simpad pre-lined box, versus your typical packing option, will […]
Environmental Benefits of Pre-Lined Packaging
Environmentally-friendly packaging, like pre-lined kits, make a lot of environmental sense when you look at it. It makes good environmental sense, which can turn into good business sense. A line of pre-lined kits offer several benefits to customers — cost savings, labor savings, reduced shipping problems. But the ones we’re starting to hear a lot […]
Simpak’s Protective Packaging Available in Pre-Lined Boxes
The protective packaging from Simpak is a familiar site to many shipping managers and workers. These managers and workers appreciate the flexibility of the Simpad, and how it has helped them reduce shipping costs and shipping time, by reducing the different packaging products they normally use. Simpak is proud to introduce their latest protective packaging […]
Savings of Pre-lined Protective Packaging vs. Separate Box and Packaging
Protective packaging in the form of kits, boxes that already have the packaging pre-lined inside, provide a variety of cost savings. This method results in a lower total cost of ownership for users. When there is a more efficient packing process, which saves time, plus a reduction in packaging materials used, this is a win-win […]
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