Flexible Eco Friendly Packaging Protects Circuit Boards and Hard Drives

Flexible eco friendly packaging offers an anti-static environment that is very important when it comes to shipping products such as circuit boards and hard drives. It is important for a company to have documentation to validate their anti-static packaging as well as knowing the industry standards for that style of packaging. Feeling comfortable that products […]

Product Packaging 101: Defining Cushion Quality/Cushion Curves

Product packaging has many different specs and measurements to tell whether it is actually effective or not. When it comes to measuring product packaging, an important number is the cushion curves of the internal packaging. Different products being shipped require different cushion curves. One question that arises is, “how is cushion quality measured?” How to […]

Eco Friendly Packaging: Simpads vs Foam in Place

Need eco friendly packaging for your shipping? How can you help your shipping department become more environmentally friendly, especially when the shipping products you use typically aren’t? Some companies may use a foam-in-place product when packing larger products, like sanitary porcelain products or stereo equipment. The two-part foam sits in large containers near the packing […]